Well the results are in. In what was a nail biter election, my state has remained Democrat (thank God). However, the House of Representatives got a majority Republican vote. What's strange about this is that some of the republicans that were elected were "Tea Party favorites." In some of the states there wasn't really a difference between the incumbent and the newly elected official. For example, in Louisiana where Blanche Lincoln was in office, a Republican was elected. However, those of us who remember the tough fight for healthcare in America know that Blanche Lincoln is a Blue Dog Democrat (aka extremely conservative democrat, aka wolf in sheeps closing, aka might as well be republican. So is there really a difference between her political stance and the stance of the newly elected official who replaced her?
More importantly, what does this mean for President Obama? Even though the House is a majority Republican, the Senate is a majority Democrat. So the entire Congress is not in a deadlock with the President. To be honest, the negotiation that was going on between the President and the Congress over the past year shows that there won't be much of a difference with the new officials in office. So chill, don't freak out, and enjoy the show, because something tells me Congress is going to become highly entertaining.