Okay everyone, hold on to your chairs, because this is just TOO funny!
So in China, the labor capitol of the world, Knowledge competency is being questioned, because many of the grades and even degrees are (wait for it)...FRAUDULENT!!
Yes, people, you may have heard about that girl who put out to pass her exam, or even the group of students who plagarized sections of the news paper to turn them in as their own, but aparently these kids look like church choir members in comparison to what's been going on in China.
It has been reported that many of the diplomas are fake. Even the recommendations to universities by professors have been...fake. If this doesn't surprise you then don't worry about the next research study coming from China, because apparently, many aren't legitimate as the researchers....just fill in the blanks themselves(!!) (head back laughing).
Okay okay, so what's going to be done about this? Well according to The Economist, many students are applying to Universities overseas, because the officials accepting applications just don't trust that their records may be legitimate(this is the time where you lean back and say "hmmmmm"). So what does this mean for the students coming?
....Okay people Abeg, don't start asking your Chinese class mate what their SAT scores were and if they are legitimate(wagging my finger).Fraud takes place everywhere, but as a Nigerian it's just good that Nigeria wasn't the country in question. I guess this is how China feels when they judge us. Shame shame shame...