Just when we thought we've heard the last of scandalous comments from Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad guess what...WE DIDN'T!!!
That's right people, in a statement at the NonProliferation Treaty conference at the United Nations Monday, Ahmadinejad criticized the US (who else) for not practicing what it preaches when it comes to Nuclear disarmament. He chronicled from World War I saying "The first atomic weapons were produced and used by the United States...It [America] became the main source of the development and the spread of nuclear weapons by the others and brought about the nuclear arms race."(mmmhmm wurrever). In protest, the British, French, and American delegations walked out of the hall while Ahmadinejad was speaking.
Luckily for those of us in the US, we have Secretary Clinton as our Secretary of State and she revealed what, up until today, (lol) was a secret...It was revealed today that the US has 5,113 nuclear warheads, a figure that's about 70% less what the US had twenty years ago. In addition, Secretary Clinton went on to say that:
"Iran is the only country represented in this hall that has been found by the IAEA board of governors to be currently in noncompliance with its nuclear safeguard obligations. It has defied the U.N. Security Council and the IAEA and placed the future of the nonproliferation regime in jeopardy, and that is why it is facing increasing isolation and pressure from the international community."
Well well well, it looks like Ahmadinejad's plan to look like the "victim of American bullying" did not work. The only question is: When will he learn?
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