Remember back in the day when President Sarkozy was Senator Sarkozy and actually supported Muslim girls wearing hijab (headscarf) to school? Well not only have times changed, the music has changed as well, and President Sarkozy is singing to a very different tune.
Resolved: Laicite=secular, removal of religion from the state. France's explanation in advocating for laicite: to bring about equality in schools. In 2003 and on there was an uproar in Muslim girls having to remove the hijab if they were to go to public school. The French government stood firm on the issue.
Presently, legislation is moving so that women will not be allowed to wear the niqaab (face covering) in public. If they do, they will be sent home, the first and second time. The third time they will be issued a fine. The French government stands firm saying that the niqaab is not obligatory in Islam. Officials have also been noted as saying that women who wear it are submitting themselves to a lower position than men which goes against the French culture of equality. Claims have also been made that Muslim women are segregating themselves from the French culture so them taking off the veil will "assimilate" them into the culture.
My take? When I was in France I had friends of all backgrounds, but everywhere in this world is racism, and fear of the unknown. For the length of time that Muslims have been in France there is no excuse for "segregation" between the cultures. Neighborhoods that housed north African and middle eastern cultures were on the borders of most towns and (frankly) many French individuals openly spoke of their dislike/discomfort of the cultures. This being known, are they forcing themselves out of French culture or is the French government forcing them in. We've all seen this story before. How will it end this time?
Resolved: Laicite=secular, removal of religion from the state. France's explanation in advocating for laicite: to bring about equality in schools. In 2003 and on there was an uproar in Muslim girls having to remove the hijab if they were to go to public school. The French government stood firm on the issue.
Presently, legislation is moving so that women will not be allowed to wear the niqaab (face covering) in public. If they do, they will be sent home, the first and second time. The third time they will be issued a fine. The French government stands firm saying that the niqaab is not obligatory in Islam. Officials have also been noted as saying that women who wear it are submitting themselves to a lower position than men which goes against the French culture of equality. Claims have also been made that Muslim women are segregating themselves from the French culture so them taking off the veil will "assimilate" them into the culture.
My take? When I was in France I had friends of all backgrounds, but everywhere in this world is racism, and fear of the unknown. For the length of time that Muslims have been in France there is no excuse for "segregation" between the cultures. Neighborhoods that housed north African and middle eastern cultures were on the borders of most towns and (frankly) many French individuals openly spoke of their dislike/discomfort of the cultures. This being known, are they forcing themselves out of French culture or is the French government forcing them in. We've all seen this story before. How will it end this time?
1 comment:
President Sarkozy is no different from any politicians any where in the world. He will be running for re election soon, and when the time comes, get ready for the flip in that coin. Afterall he needed those muslims to make him look good before. Trust and believe he will come knocking again. Racism is deep rooted in ignorance and hopefully one day this part of the world will wake up and they will be able to separate truth from senseless extrimism.
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