Monday, May 31, 2010
Israel storms ships that were bringing aid to Gaza Strip kills 10 people
Video shows the attack and statements from a spokeswoman that aid was on the ship. An Israeli spokesperson later said that the ship was full of terrorists...mmhmmmm we have got yo' number now Israel we know those weren't terrorists. The jig is up!!
German President Resigns!!!!!

German President, Koehler quit immediately following remarks he made about the German military's mission in Afghanistan. Koehler's job description is mostly ceremonial as the country's President, compared to Merkel's position as Prime Minister. He stated that the military's deployment to Afghanistan was mainly in economic interest when he said Germany the participation in the war is "to protect our interests...for example free trade routes." Tisk tisk... and now he's unemployed like the majority of the working class population.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
What do you think the future holds for the African continent?
I believe that, once the people who have a love for the country, city, or even continent are given the power to take control of the situation, they will run with it and we will see many changes. What we're seeing now is an effect of being robbed of the chance to make a change. When someone wants the power badly and they're told no repeatedly once they have a chance to take that power, they will hold on to it and won't allow the next person the chance to obtain that power. We're also seeing a lot of elders who should step back as elder statesmen and advice the youth instead of gripping to power and leaving the youth to suffer from unemployment, poverty, and idleness. Once we can take control of this, I don't think anyone will be able to compete with the African progress.
Now let me know. What do you think the future holds? and how can Africa get there?
Now let me know. What do you think the future holds? and how can Africa get there?
Thursday, May 27, 2010
No Coke for Coke
In the news lately has been the attempts to capture a Jamaican drug lord. Christopher "Dudus" Coke is a member of the "Shower Posse" gang. Dudus, now seen as enemy of the state was at one time a close ally of Jamaica's Prime minister, used to intimidate opposition voters and bring supporters during the elections three years ago. The story has changed now. Many of the "Shower Posse" gang have been rounded up and arrested and thousands of security officers have engaged in an urban bloodbath, shooting in the streets of Kingston, Jamaica killing over 30 people. Coke has yet to be found by security forces. If he is, he will be extradited to the US on drug and gun charges.
Operation Top Kill
In a desperate hope to stop the oil spills in America's gulf coast, BP has tried a new operation: Operation Top Kill. We will find out by Thursday afternoon wether or not this can be of help. Lately, many of the workers used to clean up the oil spill have been hospitalized, one of them air lifted, because of nausea. Many of these workers have also been suffering from respiratory diseases. Lately, pleas have been made for Washington to set up mobile clinics in the region.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tit for Tat; Immigration Style
Okay so Hungary decided that it would allow dual citizenship for Hungarians living overseas. Slovakia, angry about this, decided that if any of its citizens should apply for Hungarian citizenship, it would strip them of Slovakian citizenship. There is a large ethnic Hungarian nationality living in Slovakia and Hungary decided that it would grant citizenship to individuals who have Hungarian ancestry and who can speak the language and live abroad. Robert Fisco, Slovakian leader, says Hungary's move is "a security threat." So far, Slovakia is the only country against Hungary's decision...There's always one.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
If only I could blame all disgraceful actions coming from Alaska on the stupidity of Sarah Palin then maybe just maybe I'd have no problem watching the video above. A soldier from Alaska was deployed to Iraq where he taunted two children on the side of a street asking them questions like "Are you a f**g*t? Are you a terrorist?" The children didn't understand him and continued to give him thumbs up until they realized that....They were being ridiculed. The soldier's excuse? Boredom. I wish they could throw him in a Mexican jail for those actions alone. Dude you're supposed to be protecting me from bombs not bullying children a$$hole!
Monday, May 24, 2010
We Are Jobless!!
Just when we thought we've heard the last about Iranian's protesting their President,(you guessed it) we haven't!!
Iranian President went to give a speech commemorating the country's liberation from Iraq (after an 18 month occupation during the Iraq-Iran war) in 1982. Instead of the crowd shouting praises or even support, they shouted "We are jobless." Hmmm, what would happen if the mayor or senator in your town said he wanted to have a word with you about environmental concerns and you shouted " I AM JOBLESS!!" Maybe he'd give you a job as a park ranger. Ahmadinejad?? Not so much. I don't know what they thought they'd get out of that protest other than jail sentences and (of course) publicity...but it worked right?
Iranian President went to give a speech commemorating the country's liberation from Iraq (after an 18 month occupation during the Iraq-Iran war) in 1982. Instead of the crowd shouting praises or even support, they shouted "We are jobless." Hmmm, what would happen if the mayor or senator in your town said he wanted to have a word with you about environmental concerns and you shouted " I AM JOBLESS!!" Maybe he'd give you a job as a park ranger. Ahmadinejad?? Not so much. I don't know what they thought they'd get out of that protest other than jail sentences and (of course) publicity...but it worked right?
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Footage courtesy of CNN India plane Crash.
In India this morning, a plane coming from Dubai,UAE overshot the runway killing many people. The plane carried workers from Dubai who normally come home once a year. May they rest in peace.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Pictures of Oil Spill In the Gulf coast. Is BP sorry Now??? mmhmm....
It seems like the Obsession for Picasso has gone to an all time high lately. First someone (who didn't want his identity exposed) spent over hundreds of millions on a Picasso painting at an auction. Now, five paintings were stolen from a museum in Paris, France. The worth? $618 million dollars. According to officials, the paintings were taken over night Wednesday, and found missing Thursday morning. Officials are still wondering how the alarm system didn't go off. Hmmm really???? They're lucky i'm not their boss, because that's got to be the DUMBEST excuse I've ever heard. No one has to be familiar with this case before realizing that if this wasn't an inside job(mmhmm) then this was carefully planned. Okay so lets sit on our sofas, eat popcorn and watch how this is going to play out, because its gonna get real ugly.
Monday, May 17, 2010
China workers kidnapped in Yemen
On May 16th two Chinese oil workers were kidnapped by tribesmen in Yemen's eastern Shabwa region. According to BBC Africa, powerful tribes in Yemen kidnap individuals to bargain with the central government in disputes. The individuals who kidnapped the Chinese men were from the Laqmoosh clan (tribe) who were expressing their anger after someone from their tribe was killed by police at a checkpoint.If you remember, Yemen has been combatting resurgent Al Qaeda and rebels in the country's south. The kidnappers have since been urged to turn themselves into authorities.
Militants endorsing Goodluck Jonathan?
Former Niger Delta militant, Victor Ebokawe has stated that Goodluck Jonathan would be the best President for Nigeria, because he's from the Niger Delta region and would best understand the issues occuring there. The issue is that Goodluck Jonathan has yet to state whether or not he will be running in the 2011 elections. He has expressed his concern of the violence in the Niger Delta region in intervies with CNN's Amanpour.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Okay, so we all know about the attempted bombing in Times Square NYC. Well, it turns out that Faisal Shahzad is singing like a canary...snitch...well I guess its a good thing, because more terrorists are being rounded up. I told you his cocky attitude wouldn't last too long, he probably has more bruises than a football player right now..back to the article. In any case there have been three arrests made in Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey. I LOVE IT!! Law enforcement at its finest!! The profile, was a group of cash couriers who bring money to the United States. I'm pretty sure when they were conducting the investigation they heard deepthroats voice from watergate you know the voice that said "Follow the money." So now everybody's going to jail. Federal agent (standing ovation) JOB WELL DONE.
Now can somebody please play the Reggae music!! Here we go(dancing) "Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you?"
Below are pictures of Police conducting their raid. (Photos courtesy of Anderson Cooper360)

Now can somebody please play the Reggae music!! Here we go(dancing) "Bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do when they come for you?"
Below are pictures of Police conducting their raid. (Photos courtesy of Anderson Cooper360)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Brew-ing up a cup of division in Arizona
Okay so the governor of Arizona decided that promoting a measure to require all "people who look like immigrants" to show their ID wasn't enough. Now she went to the school system. This is exactly what she did:
Arizona governor Jan Brewer (ughh) signed a bill that would restrict students to participate in classes that promoted overthrowing the American government, or hatred towards people of other races. So this would make you wonder, "Is she getting rid of American history?" After all there are many narratives of slavery that would make people "hate" slave owners. No, she's not eliminating US History, but classes like Native American history, Mexican American studies, programs, etc. would be affected by the measure that she signed. The State Schools chief, Tom Horne, has also pushed for the measure to be signed. He said classes in Mexican American studies programs would teach Latino students that they are "oppressed by white people."
Hmmm no Mr. Horne, taking someone's heritage away teaches Latino students that they are "oppressed by white people" as you so eloquently put it.
The measure signed by Governor Brewer (ughh) was condemned by United Nations human rights experts Yesterday.
Arizona governor Jan Brewer (ughh) signed a bill that would restrict students to participate in classes that promoted overthrowing the American government, or hatred towards people of other races. So this would make you wonder, "Is she getting rid of American history?" After all there are many narratives of slavery that would make people "hate" slave owners. No, she's not eliminating US History, but classes like Native American history, Mexican American studies, programs, etc. would be affected by the measure that she signed. The State Schools chief, Tom Horne, has also pushed for the measure to be signed. He said classes in Mexican American studies programs would teach Latino students that they are "oppressed by white people."
Hmmm no Mr. Horne, taking someone's heritage away teaches Latino students that they are "oppressed by white people" as you so eloquently put it.
The measure signed by Governor Brewer (ughh) was condemned by United Nations human rights experts Yesterday.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
AT last!!! yes!!!

Finally it has happened! In an event that we all thought we wouldn't see until next month, David Cameron has become the Prime Minister of Britain. This happens after Brown stepped down as head of the Labour party, yesterday. Cameron was asked to become PM less than an hour after Brown stepped down. He does still plan to govern as a coalition with the Liberal Democrats, which he has admitted will be difficult. Well, we never said it would be easy, but really? With all of this protocol and planning for a coalition government, you wouldn't think that Britain is the country in question, isn't Britain supposed to be the role model???? mmhmmmmm wurreva
Monday, May 10, 2010
Brown steps down as head of Labour party
Brown says he will step down as leader of the Labour party. According to BBC, Brown's continuing leadership of the Labour party was viewed as "harming labour's chances of liberal democrat backing." Both the Labour and Conservative party have been flirting with Liberal Democrats in order to have the majority needed to win the election.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Nigerian Presidet, Umaru Yar Adua, has passed at 58

It has come to my attention that the formerly ill, Nigerian President, Umaru Yar Adua has passed at age 58. May he rest in peace. He was really sick and in a LOT of pain. He died at what would have been 5pm EST and 10pm in Nigeria, at the Presidential Villa in Abuja. The former President was suffering of a heart condition which forced him to be hospitalized in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Shanghai Expo 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Greece and debt, nothing new but the protests continue.
Greece has, since adopting the Euro in 2002 seemed to always be in debt. So much debt that this year, its debt has amounted to 13.6% of its GDP. In order to reduce its debt, Greece has agreed to adopt austerity measures in return for an international rescue package in the amount of 110 billion euro(95 billion pounds). These measures included but were not limited to: Erasing bonus payments for workers in the public sector, slapping taxes on illegal construction, Raising taxes by 10% on fuel, alchohol, and tobacco.
The Greeks have been protesting in the streets, both violently and silently, saying the measures are taking money away from the poor who need it the most.The EU will be providing 80 billion euros in aid. Germany, a member of the EU, will be providing money and part of that money (22 million euros) will be coming from private banks. The rest of the money will be coming from the IMF. Of course these are loans. The purpose of these loans, and the purpose is to reduce Greece's debt from 13.6% of GDP to 3% by 2014.
The Greeks have been protesting in the streets, both violently and silently, saying the measures are taking money away from the poor who need it the most.The EU will be providing 80 billion euros in aid. Germany, a member of the EU, will be providing money and part of that money (22 million euros) will be coming from private banks. The rest of the money will be coming from the IMF. Of course these are loans. The purpose of these loans, and the purpose is to reduce Greece's debt from 13.6% of GDP to 3% by 2014.
Arrest made in attempted car bombing.
Okay everyone so I just had an OH S*** moment (as my friends and I used to call it in college). An arrest was made in the attempted car bombing on Saturday Night in Times Square. The person is Shahzad Faisal a US citizen of Pakistani Home grown terrorism? maybe. Out of his mind? definately. Was he alone? we're definately going to find out. I had an idea that the individual was pinpointed Monday afternoon just by the type of news that was reported and also, because of the rudimentary type skills used to create the bomb and this naivete in behavior concerning security cameras, etc. In any case kudos to the NYPD and all branches of law enforcement.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Ahmadinejad ranting yet again.
Just when we thought we've heard the last of scandalous comments from Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad guess what...WE DIDN'T!!!
That's right people, in a statement at the NonProliferation Treaty conference at the United Nations Monday, Ahmadinejad criticized the US (who else) for not practicing what it preaches when it comes to Nuclear disarmament. He chronicled from World War I saying "The first atomic weapons were produced and used by the United States...It [America] became the main source of the development and the spread of nuclear weapons by the others and brought about the nuclear arms race."(mmmhmm wurrever). In protest, the British, French, and American delegations walked out of the hall while Ahmadinejad was speaking.
Luckily for those of us in the US, we have Secretary Clinton as our Secretary of State and she revealed what, up until today, (lol) was a secret...It was revealed today that the US has 5,113 nuclear warheads, a figure that's about 70% less what the US had twenty years ago. In addition, Secretary Clinton went on to say that:
"Iran is the only country represented in this hall that has been found by the IAEA board of governors to be currently in noncompliance with its nuclear safeguard obligations. It has defied the U.N. Security Council and the IAEA and placed the future of the nonproliferation regime in jeopardy, and that is why it is facing increasing isolation and pressure from the international community."
Well well well, it looks like Ahmadinejad's plan to look like the "victim of American bullying" did not work. The only question is: When will he learn?
That's right people, in a statement at the NonProliferation Treaty conference at the United Nations Monday, Ahmadinejad criticized the US (who else) for not practicing what it preaches when it comes to Nuclear disarmament. He chronicled from World War I saying "The first atomic weapons were produced and used by the United States...It [America] became the main source of the development and the spread of nuclear weapons by the others and brought about the nuclear arms race."(mmmhmm wurrever). In protest, the British, French, and American delegations walked out of the hall while Ahmadinejad was speaking.
Luckily for those of us in the US, we have Secretary Clinton as our Secretary of State and she revealed what, up until today, (lol) was a secret...It was revealed today that the US has 5,113 nuclear warheads, a figure that's about 70% less what the US had twenty years ago. In addition, Secretary Clinton went on to say that:
"Iran is the only country represented in this hall that has been found by the IAEA board of governors to be currently in noncompliance with its nuclear safeguard obligations. It has defied the U.N. Security Council and the IAEA and placed the future of the nonproliferation regime in jeopardy, and that is why it is facing increasing isolation and pressure from the international community."
Well well well, it looks like Ahmadinejad's plan to look like the "victim of American bullying" did not work. The only question is: When will he learn?
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