So Hu Jintao is in town and journalists have scratched their head to the bone trying to figure out exactly what kind of conversation would be happening between him and the American Government. If anyone thought today's press conference would provide any light to scandalous material they were woefully disappointed. I mean really people. What other scandal could we have happen on American soil that hasn't within the past two weeks. I actually feel like today was a good day for Sino-American relations. China agreed to keep a watch on human rights activity in Sudan. America "agreed to disagree" about certain diplomatic issue in order to forge a lighter road ahead and everyone was happy right? Well you know there's always one. The translators had too many snafus during the simultanious translation that caused one reporter to request that his wordings were "correctly and accurately" translating. That's how he said it too "correctly and accurately." That's okay. no party poopers please, because the White House has the State Dinner to host Chinese President Hu Jintao. Please view the video below to watch the procession of guests.
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