Oh wow, how the mighty have FALLEN. The picture above is of the new jewelry Dominique Strauss Kahn will be wearing around his ankle, because he's on house arrest. Ankle bracelets will do two things if you go out of the designated area, in this case his house. It will either beep too loud or will burn the crap out of his leg. I know that when DSK woke up this time last week, he would have never imagined spending many nights in one of America's most notorious prisons, Rikers Island. Rikers Island? I mean really I had to laugh when I heard that news. A rapist in Rikers Island? There's not enough security for that, which is probably why DSK is going home. However, it's not without a lot of money for the American judicial system and a loss of many liberties. DSK has posted $6million dollar bail. Yes $6 million dollar bail!! And that's not it!! Let me go through the full bill.
(Clearing throat and gargling):
Okay so there's the $6million just for him to get out of Rikers
There's also $500,000 dollar fees every month for the security of 24 hour body guards provided to him which he (not American tax payers) will be paying for.
Oh...and an Ankle bracelet.
However, there's also the possible gift that he may have received. They say when you look for something strange you're bound to find it. DSK's victim is an immigrant who lives in housing specifically designated for people with HIV/AIDS. The victim nor her lawyer are willing to confirm wether the woman is HIV positive for fear that her sexual history will overshadow the case. DSK has allegedly refused the test in fear that it will show his intimacy with the victim.
Honestly, this is messy. Wether or not she has the virus or has given him the virus his actions were still wrong and DSK! We ALLLLL know you're guilty!
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