So it's been rought to my attention that the article about a scorned girlfriend extracting her ex's teeth was....a hoax??? really??? When that got my attention I was extermemely and utterly pissed. Not, because I wrote it or wasted my time on it, but because it seems like people will do anything for fame. C'mon people. Reputable news agencies have done extensive work and written on this story like MSNBC, Huffington Post (where I found the story), and ABCNews. However, it was proven false when someone in the said boyfriend's neighborhood wrote to the news stating that his teeth were already gone before he left the said girlfriend. Dentists then came forward stating that as soon as the anasthesia wore off, he would have felt gums...instead of teeth. So does this mean she extracted them before they broke up??? Is he even really toothless??? Honesatly, there are more crucial things happening in our world than for me to focus on a story that may not even exist.
Good luck to them.
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