Yes Everyone! Today marks a 20 years anniversary of the South African Freedom Walks. This marked the Freedom of Nelson Mandela as he walked out of Prison. As we all know, he then went on to become President of South Africa. It was definately a powerful event at the time as it is an exciting event to look back on. Mandela is now 91 years old. How do you feel about the Progress of South Africa looking back on an event such as this one?
My major question about progress is a comparison. I often wonder why it takes one country a certain length of time to get from point A to point B than another. Is it drive? Is it forgiveness? Is it intelligence? And, the larger question is how can we maintain progress sustainably? Sorry to answer your question with questions, but it all seems more subjective than objective. And, being the economist that I am, I have to find the formula.
Here go the economists....Well I can't hate, I'm one of them hahaha. Okay so I think it's all of the above but not by any one person it has to be through team work and an honest effort towards that goal. Frankly, I don't think we've been seeing a lot of that in South Africa lately. There's been a lot of change economically which has made the country richer, a lot of promotion which has brought tourism, humanitarian focus, etc. BUT, even with its level of leadership in the region the corruption shows with the level of crime,and educational imbalance (in the area of race). So I'd say that in addition to your qualities, accountability for actions needs to be added to the equation.
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