Monday, February 1, 2010

President Zuma...say it isn't so!!!

I know that as I write about Foreign Affairs this article is supposed to be...beneath me. However, I can't stop myself from finding President Zuma's private issues quite entertaining. Just when we thought it was over!!! When we thought that after his message about gender equality, Mr. Zuma has turned a new leaf, President Zuma has found his way back to my entertainment. Mr. Zuma (67) has a love child with Sonono Khoza (39). If her last name sounds familiar to you, it's because her father is World Cup boss Irvin Khoza. It is also reported that President Zuma has paid for the pregnancy; an action which he says is in line with his Zulu culture. There have also been calls for him to attend sex rehab...hmm. According to local Sowetan newspapers, Reverend Kenneth Meshoe, leader of the African Christian Democratic Party has stated that the child is "a sign that Mr. Zuma is not using condoms..." Hmmmm You don't say. Between his three wives, President Zuma has nineteen (19) children. Well...maybe he'll turn the woman into wife number four and it won't be so scandalous anymore.


miriam said...

LOL @ maybe he'll turn her into wife number four. Really though? A love child? That guy never ceases to amaze me.

D A said...

Can someone brain slap this guy into a sexually responsible education class for the sake of these. poor women. Then again, where are the sisterhood of sexual health education in this country? I'm just saying wow!