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Friday, February 25, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
The recent situations in the MENA region has had me wondering. What has happened to all the cotrrupt leaders from volume 1? Many of us remember the riots in Thailand where the Thai protested their leader's existence in power to the point where they collected pints and pints of blood that they would throw on their leader's house to symbolize that the blood of the Thai people was on their leader's hands. It was a very powerful statement and, though the protests were covered by major media news organizations, the coverage that was so high followed Sir Isaac Newton's law and went back down. Unfortunately the lack of media. Was followed by a lack of public interest. Social movementsN especially with oppressive governments, need the backing of the human race. In case you were wondering, the people of Thailand are still protesting their government.
The situation is the same with Italy's Berlusconi. The public first protested Berlusconi's austerity measures which were cutting into their pensions and other benefits. This was, of course, before it surfaced that he had a love affair with a 17 year old prostitute. Around the same time, his wife divorced him citing that she doesn't "socialize with pedophiles." Hmmm well that's embarassing (lol) and funny as all hell,as because delusional as Mr. Berlusconi is, he's still in power and facing the same protests almost a year later.
The situation is the same with Italy's Berlusconi. The public first protested Berlusconi's austerity measures which were cutting into their pensions and other benefits. This was, of course, before it surfaced that he had a love affair with a 17 year old prostitute. Around the same time, his wife divorced him citing that she doesn't "socialize with pedophiles." Hmmm well that's embarassing (lol) and funny as all hell,as because delusional as Mr. Berlusconi is, he's still in power and facing the same protests almost a year later.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Middle East is boiling.
Well the chips sure have fallen. The mena region has broken out into utter chaos. As Egypt and TunisiaNs people accomplished their goal of getting corrupt Leaders out, the rest of the region just began their protests amd are facing governments that are not only doggedly remaining in power but have also taken to beating and even killing(!!)Its people. Such had been the case in Bahrain, Iran, and Libya (as if Gaddafi needed another reason for tHe international community to ostracize him). We have all seen the pattern with these protests in the middle east. The sooner the leaders leave, the less bloodshed but don't let the leader's stubbornness fool you, the leaders will leave.we can onluy hope it'll be sooner than laterm
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
ooohhhh She's in Troubbbble!!!

Queen Rania and her husband King Abdullah awwwww they look so cute.
In the first edition of "Who's Wearing the Pants" Queen Rania of Jordan is in trouble for "controlling politics." Really though? Really? Isn't this a couple hundred years too late? I mean really I like Queen Rania I do. However, the complaint was something that should have been corrected over ten years ago when she became first lady.
Many of us know Queen Rania for her style, many comparisons to America's first lady Michelle Obama, because of her class, style, an education and friend to my icon, Oprah Winfrey. However, I didn't know she was controlling!
Okay so here's how it went down (scary dramatic music in the background) King Abdullah had a meeting with the tribal leaders of Jordan who came to him, because of the recent uprisings (kind of like the ones in Egypt and Yemen)and they said to him that his wife has controlled too much of the political atmosphere. According to BBC the public has been complaining that Queen Rania has been building power centers for her own personal interest. As if they didn't insult the Queen enough they went below the belt pointing out the fact that (ghetto accent) she ain't even from Jordan. That's right Queen Rania is from Palestine so what the Bedouin tribal leaders were saying was "we don't know her like that."
Well, just because the tribal leaders in Jordan want to follow the leader in protests in the middle east does not mean they have to accuse Queen Rania of "power-jackin'" them. King Abdullah did dissolve his entire cabinet and hire a new PM, an action of which many people have been critical. I don't have problems with people recognizing what's wrong with leaders, but insulting the family members is just wayyyy too far.
Whew, I sure would hate to be in her shoes.
Hooray to the world's Newest country!!!

Southern Sudanese in Juba celebrating the 99% independence vote for their independence.
Okay so we don't know what the name is yet. However, many of us remember from Zee Affairs volume 1 that Sudan had a referendum election to see whether or not it would split into two countries (northern and southern Sudan) to prevent the genocide/civil war (what ever we're calling it this week) that has been taking place in the nation for over 4 years. People in what will be southern Sudan have been the victims of many attacks, and because of their skin shade were very easy targets. Will corruption stop? Will the fighting stop? I'm an optimist so I will say that this will be a good beginning. Even though nothing changes overnight, everyone deserves a fresh start. Congratulations southern Sudan! I'm looking forward to July when you become Africa's 54th independent nation.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Is the ANC innocent?

No Ladies and Gents you are not looking at an episode of "The Game" with Hosea Sanchez (a lot of us remember the scene with sushi girl in the stripper room of his mansion i know i do anyway...) you are looking at a picture from the 40th bday party of South African millionaire and business man Kunene. Picture below.

Kenny Kunene is a former convict turned business man who opened a nightclub called ZAR. Accusing Helen Zille, leader of the opposition party DA of trying to close down all nightclubs, Kunene announced that his club "belongs to the ANC." ANC South Africa's ruling political party. The ANC was not amused in the least and is now announcing that they don't condone eating sushi off of models' barely naked bodies. Mr. Kunene (picture below) said he won't be throwing sushi parties for long.

Hmmmm maybe the ANC party is just saying this, because of the upcoming election. Women make up a large population of the electorate and having their party's name thrown out in support of such shovenistic and defamatory activity can harm their party's name. Well, I still have my popcorn, because African politics is always entertaining and I can't wait to see what (because it will) happen next.
Happy New Year!! ChineseYear of the Rabbit.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Somebody got paid.
Somebody is getting paid. and why am I saying this? After over one week of protests, a "pro Mubarak" group has risen out of the ashes who just happen to have the physical characteristics of law enforcement. This is quite strange since law enforcement police officers left the crowd last week and was simply no where to be found. If you remember last Thursday, the police were simply tired and left. Everyone wondered where they went. Do you actually believe that they just sat at home not to come out again? I don't, because suddenly hundreds of people came out in support of Mubarak who grab people just like police, put people in holds just like police and are EXTREMELY organized. Someone got paid. I refused to believe that a group of middle aged people actually decided on their own to get up and counter groups of people 20 years their junior. Now, the pro Mubarak supporters have attacked anti-Mubarak supporters with clubs rocks, and fists. It has gotten so out of hand that CNN's Anderson Cooper was actually punched in the face. Where is the military? They are simply standing by watching the scene.
In your office? Don't worry, video can be seen at You have to enable your pop up blocker to view the video. Click on the third video "Live: Protests in Cairo." Also video of the clashes courtesy of MSNBC below:
In your office? Don't worry, video can be seen at You have to enable your pop up blocker to view the video. Click on the third video "Live: Protests in Cairo." Also video of the clashes courtesy of MSNBC below:
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Commitment at its Finest!!
Mubarak: That aint right Part 2
So today Mubarak has come out yet again to give the people Egypt the exact opposite of what they asked for. Claiming that he "never wanted power or prestige" he stated that he would not run again this fall. However, for the past week the people of Egypt have been asking for Mubarak to step down. Him not running in fall would be a direct reaction of him giving in to their demands which is why his statement today was nonchalant at best. If you were going to give the position to your son this year then we already know you were not planning on running fo reelection, rigged as it may have been. View video below, courtesy CNN.
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