Something has happened in Africa and it is rejected because of ludeness/chauvinism....words we Africans use when trying to show that WE have values. You know...not like y'all westerners (lol). What happened? A store started selling funny shirts with controversial slogans on it....Don't worry, they were pulled off the shelf. One of the shirts displayed an acronym for the word 'Single'
I actually thought it was funny. However, human rights groups, feminists, and anti-HIV groups didn't find humor at all.
I don't know. Doesn't South Africa have better things to worry about? Well...I guess sometimes you CAN knock the hustle.
It might be funny, but in the end is promoting a misogynist attitude. A lot of societal problems are twisted into how that society views women. These t-shirts only promote the attitude that women are commodity. I would be ashamed to have my brother, spouse, or significant other parading around the street with these shirts on. Why not start teaching young men to respect women at a young age, even if that means forbidding your son to wear these t-shirts. Why not become a man that a woman could be proud of?
That is true. I felt the same way when I saw girls walking around with shirts that said "slut" "tease" and "easy". Why not wear shirts that say "Queen" or "beautiful"?
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