This picture and others like these is why I went into International Relations. I wanted to help people and I still do.
That's why I get angry when I read articles like the UN briefing today where the NGO "Save the Children" calls Niger the "Worst place for Mothers."...Really??
Really "Save the Children?" The worst place for Mothers? You couldnt find a better term. After all this is diplomacy. I'm sure diplomats and all IR professionals know how to play with words. Couldn't they have launched a larger campaign instead of the one I've seen since I was 16 about Jose who doesn't have shoes (c'mon you know you've seen that too).
I remember my senior year of college learning about the drought Niger had, the ant invasion that came after, and the massive deaths of babies that came later. All pictures too graphic to post. I understand the mal nutrition, poverty levels, and low employment that Save the Children used to justify their label of Niger. However, I do not understand how using a negative label will change the situation. Such labels dispel support and create a hopeless image of an otherwise promising country.
So "Save the Children" think of your organization's name next time you issue international campaigns.Think of who you're hurting, rather than helping.