Very rarely do Nigerians get praised for an act of (wait for it...) DEMOCRACY!! The issue is that not only was Nigeria praised but by America. Nigerians won't admit it but I'm pretty sure every Nigerian has been trying to impress the president ever since he visited Africa and went to Ghana. However, it looks like Nigeria's actions have finally earned a round of applause. This week marked the handing over of power from Yar Adua to Goolduck Jonathan. Robin Sanders, US ambassador to Nigeria said "The best interests of the country and the future o Nigeria have been served well by this action." This will mark the second time that the country has witnessed the handing over of power from one president to another without (knock on wood) rioting, political unrest, and the like. Goodluck Jonathan is now acting President until Yar Adua can resume his duties. So goodluck to Mr. Goodluck (no pun intended).
WOW I thought the day would never come that he'd take power not to talk of receiving a kudos from the US. I think that we will start seeing changes coming from Nigeria now.
Kudos to Nigerian government for stepping up to the plate. I recalled many other times in that country when the military would have taken over the country for issues that did not endanger the safety of the people or the security of the country. Nigeria is demonstrating that maturity is taking place and as result we need to acknowledge this by sending positive signals to the leaders in that country.
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