Sunday, May 20, 2012

The RIGHT side of History

WOW Now you know your teams a winner when PM David Cameron and President Obama are cheering for you. Yesterday the Chelsea Football (soccer) club was competing for the UEFA championship against Bayern Munich; hence German Chancellor Merkel's presence in this photo. The image was captured upon Chelsea's win of the cup. More pix of Chelsea's celebration to come.


G8 Summit took place at Camp David in thurmont, MD

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Unfolding the Conversation

My Hero, Ambassador Rice conversed with us and the New York Times' Nick Kristoff as we hung out on Thursday and responded to questions about her strategy in solving problems around the world. Stating that there isn’t a “single equation to foreign policy problems.” Ambassador Rice went on to explain that foreign affairs complexities occur, because in one country (or even one war) there are different cultural and human rights issues that come to surface. Citing the example of Sudan, she explained that Khartoum ‘s issue brings about a multitude of problems including: How to get access to the people who need help, the north and South Sudan issue, and the Tripartite agreements. “…we’re in a different point and time than in 2008..the crisis in Darfur is in a different level than it was four years ago” she claimed, indicating that now there’s an ongoing conflict between rebel and political organization.

This differs from the genocide by government which heightened in 2008…True, very true. The campaigns of “Save Darfur” seem to be obsolete now that a new and troubled south Sudan has come to its independence. UN African peacekeeping force has much more on their hands and we as a public should focus more on these issues. Unfortunately, we’re often distracted by issues in other parts of the world which further brings to light Ambassador Rice’s view that in foreign policy there’s a lot of problems to address in tandem so we “can’t focus on one and forget the rest.” I agree, and I think we can all get that.
Duly Noted Ambassador Rice!

If you missed the hangout you can catch it HERE

Friday, May 18, 2012

Who's buying Facebook!!

Facebook has FINALLY (finally) gone public on the stock exchange. This means everyone is looking for their next big break. To tell you how desperate, Facebook announced two weeks ago that it would be trading its shares at 24 dollars. Yet announced yesterday that the real price is 38 dollars....And we still don't care. Everyone is looking to become the world's next billionaire. Bono the Irish humanitarian/rocker has publicly stated that he'd be buying shares. There's also a man who invested his daughter's entire college savings in facebook...Then there's me...Zee Zee just on the edge of my seat, waiting for the NASDAQ market to open. Yes i'm buying too. So now I'm wondering. Are you? Let me know,because this could be THE NEXT BIG THING (wink)

Who's Buying Facebook!

Facebook has FINALLY (finally) gone public on the stock exchange. This means everyone is looking for their next big break. To tell you how desperate, Facebook announced two weeks ago that it would be trading its shares at 24 dollars. Yet announced yesterday that the real price is 38 dollars....And we still don't care. Everyone is looking to become the world's next billionaire. Bono the Irish humanitarian/rocker has publicly stated that he'd be buying shares. There's also a man who invested his daughter's entire college savings in facebook...Then there's me...Zee Zee just on the edge of my seat, waiting for the NASDAQ market to open. Yes i'm buying too. So now I'm wondering. Are you? Let me know,because this could be THE NEXT BIG THING (wink)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Facebook Me!!

Zee Affairs has fans EVERYWHERE!! Facebook is the newest outlet for the fan base. If you haven't already, don't forget to "LIKE" Zee Affairs on Facebook! Here:

In case you missed it!

If you missed today's "Conversation with Ambassador Rice"!! Then you definately missed. But not to worry, You can watch

Here at the Zee Stripe! You know Zee always looks out for you (wink)

Hang out with Ambassador Susan Rice!!

Hang out with me, Ambassador Susan Rice, and The New York Times today at 2:30pm. If you're seeing this at 2:30pm or after join in anyway as we ask US ambassador to UN Susan Rice questions pertaining to the US' role in various foreign affairs issues!! This has to be fun. Google + You can find us here at

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Who needs a husband!!!

Put your hands down desperate. This story is for women who were divorcees in Kano State Nigeria. Pretty interesting being that they marry so young divorcees are often overlooked.However, according to BBC Africa, 1000 couples are to be wed in the mass wedding. Medical screenings for AIDS have been performed on the couples. The Hizba board,  main islamic authority in Kano state, started this to  stop what it calls the massive homelessness and begging in their streats after women are divorced from their husbands. It's an arranged marriage, and if the couples choose to divorce afterward they must have permission from the Hizba board.

Oprah voice : "You LIED to me!"

So it's been rought to my attention that the article about a scorned girlfriend extracting her ex's teeth was....a hoax??? really??? When that got my attention I was extermemely and utterly pissed. Not, because I wrote it or wasted my time on it, but because it seems like people will do anything for fame. C'mon people. Reputable news agencies have  done extensive work and written on this story like MSNBC, Huffington Post (where I found the story), and ABCNews. However, it was proven false when someone in the said boyfriend's neighborhood wrote to the news stating that his teeth were already gone before he left the said girlfriend. Dentists then came forward stating that as soon as the anasthesia wore off, he would have felt gums...instead of teeth. So does this mean she extracted them before they broke up??? Is he even really toothless???  Honesatly, there are more crucial things happening in our world than for me to focus on a story that may not even exist.
Good luck to them.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Let's go Rollerskating!!

Roller skating in Kenya makes me want to go outside! Summer's here!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Are they really Saving the Children?

This picture and others like these is why I went into International Relations. I wanted to help people and I still do.
That's why I get angry when I read articles like the UN briefing today where the NGO "Save the Children" calls Niger the "Worst place for Mothers."...Really??
Really "Save the Children?" The worst place for Mothers? You couldnt find a better term. After all this is diplomacy. I'm sure diplomats and all IR professionals know how to play with words. Couldn't they have launched a larger campaign instead of the one I've seen since I was 16 about Jose who doesn't have shoes (c'mon you know you've seen that too).

I remember my senior year of college learning about the drought Niger had, the ant invasion that came after, and the massive deaths of babies that came later. All pictures too graphic to post. I understand the mal nutrition, poverty levels, and low employment that Save the Children used to justify  their label of Niger. However, I do not understand how using a negative label will change the situation. Such labels dispel support and create a hopeless image of an otherwise promising country.
So "Save the Children" think of your organization's name next time you issue international campaigns.Think of who you're hurting, rather than helping.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


OHHHHHH....S*IT, sugardumplings Sugar Honey Iced Tea (you know what I'm trying to say. The thing is, everyone saw this coming but me. Ever the optimist, I never thought this would happen. Sarkozy is no longer the President of France?? Say it isn't so!!

Well this is how it went down
Zee run down:
(hush toned voice): So this is how it went down. A runoff election happened in France giving Francois Hollande (a socialist party member) 52% of the vote and Sarkozy 48%. Sarkozy;close to tears then issued a statement saying Holland is the President and "Should be respected" [insert an "mmmmhmmm" here"]
Now that you've been brought up to speed let's look at the implications. Remember not so long ago when Greece and Italy were having debt woes? Sarkoy (France) and Merkel(Germany) were negotiating deals. What is Hollande going to do about all of these deals? know he's scrappin' it. He said he's going to re-negotiate the Eurozone debt crisis, which means Greece and Italy better get their acts together, because as Will-I-Am said in his video "It's A New Dayyyy."

I'm holdin on tight, and I hope you are too, because this is gonna be quite a ride.