Sunday, December 22, 2013

Black doll experiment in time for #xmas

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Reversed #Apartheid or Sour Grapes

In the latest edition of  Go Sit Down poor white south Africans are whining that  they aren't the middle class anymore. I'd describe it bit by bit but I can show you better than I can tell you. View the video below then tell me what you think. :

Thursday, December 12, 2013

"Please Forgive Me"

The interpreter from Mandela's memorial says he saw angels come to the stadium at the time he was giving the speech and he was doing what they were telling him today. In what sounds like a schizophrenic episode he went on to say that sometimes the angels will be chasing him and he would have to run. It sounds as if he's gone quite mad, gesticulating wildly, the interpreter, (cont'd below) 

Thamsanqa Dyantyi has apologized, stating "If I have offended anyone...Please forgive me, I was only doing what I thought was my calling." .Tell me what you think? Was he seeing "dead people?" or is this a fraud who needs to be dealt with. I don't bite peeps I'll respond.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Rainbow for the Rainbow nation #ripmandela

It's only fitting. A rainbow over the Mandela bridge after Mandela's body was taken back to Military Hospital.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Memorial Homecoming for our Madiba

Winnie Mandela at Nelson Mandela's memorial.

They say your greatest work doesn't show when you're alive but after your death when the world can view your legacy. Mandela had a remarkable legacy. In bitter rain and cold, his memorial brings a crowd of 95,000 strong. The South African country did not make today a national Holiday in respect of Mandela's wishes. This along with the wether had an effect on the crowd that was supposed to fill the World Cup stadium as well as other overflow stadiums. Even so, people continued to trickle in to remember a great leader of our time. Included in the crowd were Winnie Mandela and President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria (who can't seem to find a new wardrobe...but anyway) Thabo Mbeki, Kofi Anaan, Desmond Tutu and other forward thinking African leaders were in the crowd. 

Obama arrives in South Africa

President Obama and the US delegation have at this time arrived. However, they've yet to arrive at the stadium. Mandela's  memorial opened with a welcoming address from Ramaphosa and now an interfaith prayer which is absolutely beautiful. If you aren't watching now try and take some time out to watch a previous recording. I love you for reading I'm gonna go enjoy this treat. RIP Madiba

Thursday, December 5, 2013

#RIPMANDELA Father of Freedom Nelson Mandela passes

Father of freedom, Father of Free South Africa Nelson Mandela passes. RIP Madba your legacy will live on. All who believe in freedom, especially if you are African and believe in freedom, equality, and respect. This is your day. Show your strength. Honor his legacy.

RIP MADBA We love you and we honor you.