Sunday, December 22, 2013

Black doll experiment in time for #xmas

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Reversed #Apartheid or Sour Grapes

In the latest edition of  Go Sit Down poor white south Africans are whining that  they aren't the middle class anymore. I'd describe it bit by bit but I can show you better than I can tell you. View the video below then tell me what you think. :

Thursday, December 12, 2013

"Please Forgive Me"

The interpreter from Mandela's memorial says he saw angels come to the stadium at the time he was giving the speech and he was doing what they were telling him today. In what sounds like a schizophrenic episode he went on to say that sometimes the angels will be chasing him and he would have to run. It sounds as if he's gone quite mad, gesticulating wildly, the interpreter, (cont'd below) 

Thamsanqa Dyantyi has apologized, stating "If I have offended anyone...Please forgive me, I was only doing what I thought was my calling." .Tell me what you think? Was he seeing "dead people?" or is this a fraud who needs to be dealt with. I don't bite peeps I'll respond.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Rainbow for the Rainbow nation #ripmandela

It's only fitting. A rainbow over the Mandela bridge after Mandela's body was taken back to Military Hospital.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Memorial Homecoming for our Madiba

Winnie Mandela at Nelson Mandela's memorial.

They say your greatest work doesn't show when you're alive but after your death when the world can view your legacy. Mandela had a remarkable legacy. In bitter rain and cold, his memorial brings a crowd of 95,000 strong. The South African country did not make today a national Holiday in respect of Mandela's wishes. This along with the wether had an effect on the crowd that was supposed to fill the World Cup stadium as well as other overflow stadiums. Even so, people continued to trickle in to remember a great leader of our time. Included in the crowd were Winnie Mandela and President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria (who can't seem to find a new wardrobe...but anyway) Thabo Mbeki, Kofi Anaan, Desmond Tutu and other forward thinking African leaders were in the crowd. 

Obama arrives in South Africa

President Obama and the US delegation have at this time arrived. However, they've yet to arrive at the stadium. Mandela's  memorial opened with a welcoming address from Ramaphosa and now an interfaith prayer which is absolutely beautiful. If you aren't watching now try and take some time out to watch a previous recording. I love you for reading I'm gonna go enjoy this treat. RIP Madiba

Thursday, December 5, 2013

#RIPMANDELA Father of Freedom Nelson Mandela passes

Father of freedom, Father of Free South Africa Nelson Mandela passes. RIP Madba your legacy will live on. All who believe in freedom, especially if you are African and believe in freedom, equality, and respect. This is your day. Show your strength. Honor his legacy.

RIP MADBA We love you and we honor you.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Hajj coverage is baaaaaack!!

Millions of Muslims converge upon Mecca as the 2013 Hajj comes to a close VIEW HERE

Thursday, July 25, 2013

She did what?

So the Headmistress in India who poisoned multiple students is finally arrested. Many of you remember last week news broke about  poisoned lunches at a boarding school tgat were laced with rat poison. Forgive me if I sound naive for asking this but...why did she do it?
For more info and video click here .

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Finally El Baradei is President

El Baradei or President El Baradei is now the leader of Egypt. Those of you who have followed the Zee Affairs blog from the beginning (thank you) know I have wanted him to be the President of Egypt since the revolution 3 years ago. Read up on it HERE

Monday, April 8, 2013

Margaret Thatcher

Sent from the CNN App for Android Former UK PM Margaret Thatcher dies

Friday, April 5, 2013

The witch is on FIRE

In what only sounds like a reapparance of the Salem Witch trials,  A 60 year old woman in Nepal who was accused of being a witch has been punished. She was stripped naked, beaten, her head was shaved and she was made to eat extrement(or feces....or whatever you're calling it this week).

Apparently a 40 year old woman tried it last year and was burned alive.

Witch Which punishment is worse exactly? I guess she's still alive so there's still hope right??

Monday, April 1, 2013

Yay! I think

In the latest edition of "really though?" The ban has been lifted and women can now transport themselves around town in Saudi. Except they still can't drive. And technically can't even use out for transportation. Entertainment only. Alternative transport?  biking. AND they'd have to wear full covering and be accompanied by a man...all while riding a bike. Here I was still trying to figure out how to bike with my suitcase on it.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Meanwhile: America makes history.

As you are reading this many of your friends are probably changing their facebook profile pictures and /or protesting at the US Supreme Court. Its a historic day as today will determine the fate of Prop 8. A measure which only allows marriage between a man and woman in California.

Note:signs of our times. The second picture shows a news ticker about today's historic events on LOGOtv; a channel for the LGBT lifestyle.

Hopefully the American justice system will recognize human rights and be on the right side of history.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Rest in Peace Chinua Achebe

An hour ago literary giant Chinua Achebe passed away in a hospital in Boston, Massachusetts where he was suffering from an undisclosed illness.  The Nigerian native was 82.
Many of us have read his books like things fall apart and man of the people. His works live on as his legacy . May he rest in peace.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Obama is Bold and Driven in Jerusalem

Israel is the most powerful country in the region and it is supported by the most powerful country in the world.
Obama speaks of America's support for Israel in a visit to Jerusalem speaking to young Israelis.
"So long as there is the USA you are not alone."
Heckled more than once Obama laughed off the critics saying "I feel right at home." This was a very bold and nonetheless historic speech. Obama has also visited Palestine and enforced his support stating "Palestine deserves their own state" restating that Palestinians
"Treatment of Palestine is not fair...Must be recognized."
However, this courageous speech has shown that USA as has done in the past still stands behind Israel. Obama's speech to the youth has been described by Foreign Affairs professionals as "going over the heads of Israeli leaders" whom in the past he's called cowards, in an effort to fastforward change and peace in the region. Updates to come.

Can you be down?


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pope Francis it is! New Pope Ceremony LIVE

Check it out guys!! More updates to come. An Argentinian pope. This is a first and very progressive of the Catholic church.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Death of Hugo Chavez

it has come to my attention that the leader of Venezuela Hugo Chavez has passed away today he was 58 years old as there's more information updates will come. No matter his political viewpoints he was still ahead of state and Zee Affairs prays that he rest in peace.

Saturday, February 23, 2013