Tuesday, May 25, 2010


If only I could blame all disgraceful actions coming from Alaska on the stupidity of Sarah Palin then maybe just maybe I'd have no problem watching the video above. A soldier from Alaska was deployed to Iraq where he taunted two children on the side of a street asking them questions like "Are you a f**g*t? Are you a terrorist?" The children didn't understand him and continued to give him thumbs up until they realized that....They were being ridiculed. The soldier's excuse? Boredom. I wish they could throw him in a Mexican jail for those actions alone. Dude you're supposed to be protecting me from bombs not bullying children a$$hole!

1 comment:

Tina said...

How low can people sink? When do soldiers turn from protectors of innocent children to child tormentors and potential chid molesters? The excuse by this ignorant fool is boredorm. God help us. What if he gets bored and he decide to sabotage the country on a more higher level? Shame on you mr. coward parading in solder's uniform. Go find some other means to entertain your degenerate mind.