Saturday, July 4, 2020

Judges behaving Badly?

As we're living in our new day where Black Lives Matter, sponsors are dropping racially offensive logos and Karen's (frustrated by this) are going wild, we seem to have forgotten about the systems in place that have put people of color in the USA behind (for quite some time).

In any case, attention is being paid to Judges behaving badly. Like a woman who was sentenced to 496 days for failure to pay traffic tickets...or a Judge who literally invaded the jury's province...(like while they were deliberating) and told the jurors to free a sex offender because "God spoke to him."

In these cases and others, the Judges are barely ever rebuked for their behavior. Of course there's a suspension or a slap on the wrist, but you never really hear about them being removed from the bench. They'll retire, there will be a party, and I'm sure they'll have cake.

For more information about this click here. 

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