Friday, January 31, 2014

Kung Hei Fat Choy!! Happy #ChineseNewYear! !!

Its the year of the Horse! !! Yay!!
I like horses. So here are some things to know peeps!

Heads up so if you know someone born in the year of the horse here's some things about them. They're bit like horses: animated, active and energetic – they love being in a crowd, independence  and they have a straightforward and positive attitude towards life.(cont'd)
Also if you were born in a horse year its said you should avoid those born in the year of the rat, ox, or rabbit....hold up but I was born in the year of the rat....well there goes friendship opportunities. Anyway you're in good company.  Year of the horse people include  Aretha Franklin and Cindy Crawford.
So enjoy! Have a couple drinks, or a lot, just dont go crazy cuz that would be weird.

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