Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dominoes....Who's Next?

Well this is the follow up, to protests in the MENA region, because what I and other political scientists have predicted is coming to pass. Quite frankly, I'm glad that it is. I know how this sounds. I know that it sounds like Western democratic paraphenila, but you know what? This has nothing to do with pushing democracy. This is about recognizing what's right and acting on it. If you remember, last year in Volume 1 of Zee Affairs, I wrote about Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak grooming his son for the Egyptian leadership when his son was, in fact, incompetent for the position. El Baradei, former director for the IAEA was planning to run for Presidency and we can only imagine why we haven't heard about his activities for office. That's okay though, he's coming back to Egypt to help protesters tomorrow.

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Background info:Political corruption over many years, because of leaders who have been in office for over 30 years have sparked protests in Tunisia, Egypt, and (not to be out done) Yemen. Police brutality, such as that seen in the video above are taking place to subdue the protests. Such brutality has proven futile in Tunisia where protesters were killed by government officials as an intimidation tactic, but government eventually gave in to the protesters' demands. Such may be the case with Egypt. Tomorrow, 28, January, there are plans for a massive protest after the Friday prayers in Cairo, Egypt. Plans for these protests are organized via facebook and other social networking utilities like BB mobile.
The dominoes are falling and I just can't wait to see the "New Day" of Arab politics, because people this will be interesting.

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