Sunday, September 16, 2012

Africa Burning

It seems like the Africa (as we know it) is rapidly changing before our eyes and under our feet. What happens when religious fundamentalists hijack the news? Heroes, ambassadors, innocent tourists, and the like are killed. I am still trying to fathom the horrendous news of Ambassador Stevens' death.It seems like that was only the beginning, following that was the murder of tourists in Khartoum, Sudan on Friday, and yesterday (Saturday September 15th) the US ordered all "non essential staff" to leave Tunis, Tunisia for fear of further violence. Not only do I wish for it to stop, but I also wonder about the actions of those who incited these attacks in the first place. As sane individuals we don't allow films to dictate our actions and can correctly channel our anger to constructive use. However, religious fanatics (as we've seen in the past with danish cartoons) can not. Libya has arrested 50 individuals that the government suspected were behind the attacks. However, I feel that in addition to this, individuals must display cultural sensitivity with films, books, and other media, because of the violence it may (when put in the wrong hands) cause.

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