Sunday, September 30, 2012

When your idol meets her idol

Many of you know how much I love Susan Rice. I absolutely am blown away by Susan Rice. So it was interesting for me to see that there's someone who impresses her as well. This week she met with Aung San Suu Kyi, the human rights advocate who was exiled from her land. Rice called Suu Kyi her "role model." Now that's a big badge of honor.


Anonymous said...

Although it is admirable what Suu kyi has done for Burma, I am disappointed about her silence on the current genocide of Burmese Muslims. The Burmese government refuses to give these people citizenship as does the Bengali government. These people have lived in Burma all of their lives and are being murdered brutally by the Burmese without the world saying a peep about the situation. If Suu kyi really stands for justice and peace for the Burmese, why hasn't she spoken up for the Burmese Muslims??? I find this incredibly dishonorable of Suu kyi.

zee affairs said...

I agree with that point and I find it interesting as well. One thing to note though, is that Suu Kyi's increased presence will come with some political influence. This means that if you're getting attention from a country that's not focusing on these gross human rights violations, she will also be silent on the issues. Which is definitely wrong. As this "When your idol meets your idol post" was pretty much about Susan Rice calling Suu Kyi her "role model", I do find it disturbing sometimes when individuals whom we claim as so called human rights giants befriend violators or are even silent on some issues. This has been seen even with Mother Theresa who had dictators as very close allies of hers. We can only, but wonder. Thanks for your comment! I'm looking forward to seeing more of them.