Sunday, September 23, 2012

What do you take with you when...?

In the latest edition of "Fall From Grace": It's always said by elders not to be greedy, because when we die we can not take material things with us. Imelda Marcos surely missed that memo.Immelda Marcos is probably known for her 1,220 shoe collection. Designer shoe collection that is.
However, breaking news this morning showed that karma is surely a bitch going to catch up with people. You see termites and mold have ruined the designer shoe collection when the items were neglected after a massive earthquake and flood an earthquake happened in the Philippines years ago. The flood affected a museum where Marcos' most precious shoes were stored. When Museum staffers noticed water flowing in from underneath a door, they opened it and sent Marcos' shoes and evening gowns busting through the museum. Needless to say the water damage and mold mean the items HAVE to be thrown away...Imean who would want those dreadful, (and now) disgusting shoes. I know what you're thinking so I'll just say it. "Yes there is a God."

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