Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Libya and Switzerland are at it AGAIN!!!

Remember back in the day (2008) when Gaddafi's son and daughter in law were arrested in Switzerland for mistreating their domestic workers? Well he didn't forget, and it seems that neither has Switzerland. Not too long ago, Switzerland blacklisted 188 high ranking officials from Libya, this denied them entry. That's okay, Libya returned the favor. It stopped issuing visas to people from countries in the Schengen free border zone.
Countries in the Schengen free border zone agreed to the Schengen Agreement, allowing a free exchange of law enforcement data through a centralized database. Schengen countries do not have to be members of the EU, nor do EU countries have to be part of the Schengen Agreement. Some Schengen countris include France, Italy, and Malta.
Of course why they'd want to go to Libya is a different question, completely, but not to worry, there are people who went (there's always one) they were from Malta and they were detained "treated like hostages" before they were deported back to their country. Hmmm... There's always something in Libya.


Giana said...

Here we go again. I don't know its not surprising to me. I didn't think he'd ever forget about what Switzerland did to his son.

Nakia Bell said...

All of this for what! When will leaders ever get past the pettiness? It reminds me of the Republican party that going on here in D.C. You petty folks will not win, in the end.