Monday, February 15, 2010

This Can't Be Serious!!! But it is.

Goel Ratzon, A 60 year old man in Israel, has been arrested for leading a cult, rape, sodomy, and enslavement. He is "accused" for having (wait for it......wait for it.....)23 wives and 59 CHILDREN!!! The wives tatooed his name and picture on their arms. They all believed that he had the power to heal and curse. The women were forced to worship his image, glorify him as he was being served, and had a penalty system if they disobeyed him. As predicted, the women were not allowed to contact family members or anyone from the "outside world" Money in the form of social security payments and salaries were put into the "family account" for all of his living expenses and for him to buy property. On a more serious note, Ratzon is accused of raping two of his daughters, sexually assaulting another daughter, and sexually abusing four other girls. I know what I want to say, but I'll let you say it.


Sharia said...

dangggg!!!! I'm sorry but I have to ask: Why wasn't he arrested before??? I mean really they can't say they didn't see that coming!!!

Unknown said...

Wow again!

Anonymous said...

This very sick and morally bankckrupt individual was so dilussionaer l that his dark secrets will never come out. He was wrong and the law of human justice prevails. The people that he turned into victims now have a chance to witness justice on their side.No more cover ups by this sick man and his friends in powerful places.

zee affairs said...

lol im sorry but when i wrote this what got me was tattoos??? really?? LOL