Friday, April 23, 2010

Amnesty and the UAE

Amnesty International attempts to save the day again in a case of (guess what...) TORTURE. Yes people, in the UAE, 17 (yes 17 people) were arrested and sentenced to death after allegedly killing a Pakistani man. A month after their arrest,the prisoners were forced to go back to the scene of the crime and re-enact the killing where they beat up a police officer who played dead. The mock killing was video taped and is being used as evidence in court as genuine evidence against the prisoners.They were also subject to the regular incidents of torture which we've all heard about such as electric shock, being beaten with clubs, being deprived of sleep and standing on one leg for long periods of time. The 17 prisoners were sentenced to death. This was a record breaking number(guiness records anyone?) for a death sentence. However, with the help of Amnesty International, the prisoners are appealing and are due to appear in court

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