Saturday, April 3, 2010

Are you shocked?

White Supremacist beaten to death in South Africa...hmmm I'm not surprised. Well just in case you're curious, the man was 69 year old Eugene Terreblanche and for a long time he has been advocating for a separate land for whites. He was beaten to death by two of his employees because of (wait for it!) unpaid wages.


Enrico said...

The radical right-wing leader that sustained Apartheid also after liberation of Mandela and elections of '90s. His movement is explicitly linked to nazist ideals of racial purity. I think it will move very few people in South Africa, but many analists think that many white people feel themselves not welcomed in the 'new' democratic South Africa.

zee affairs said...

It's true, recently the sentiments of Pan Africanism led by Zuma and his efforts to partner with neighboring countries like Zimbabwe have left many whites feeling like they weren't welcome in the 'new' South Africa. What is scary, though, are the threats (many which have proved futile) of the late right wing leader's party members to avenge his death.

Enrico said...

right-wing leader are not stupid... they'll not try to act after the threath since they are few and not so powerful... the only thing I personally fear is one disturbed individual that could kill a symbol... that would raise ethnic clashes and fear among all... hope this not happens