Thursday, April 15, 2010

Letter from "A Nigerian Daughter"

Hello Everyone and Happy Thursday! I was reading emails from some of you when one of our loyal readers Soltatu got the word on the street and brought it back to the Zebra stripe that we all know as (of course) Zee Affairs. What is it? Well it's a letter written by Nosarieme Garrick, a 25 year old daughter of a Nigerian Federal government employee. The letter expresses concerns with structural problems, financial issues, political corruption, and more, which are all plaguing Nigeria today and (she says) affect her desire to return home to Nigeria. It's a very interesting letter. I get a lot of emails about why Nigeria is the way it is when its receiving so much money in aid. TRUST ME this letter will help answer some of your questions. Click on the link and enjoy!

1 comment:

Tara said...

I applaud this effort and I hope that now the politicians will listen. Than you Zainab it did answer some of my questions. Very well written!