Friday, December 3, 2010

Its not that he "might" but that he "Will be Charged." Now isn't that sad...or maybe just plain entertaining. Halliburton "allegedly" bribed a natural gas company with $180 million dollars for a $6million dollar contract.
This week errbody was getting locked up. It's said that anti-corruption offices RAIDED the Haliburton office in Nigeria and 12 employees were arrested. You know nooooo body wants to go to jail in Nigeria...they serve all types of torture in those facilities. Reuters reported that the employees have since been freed.
Cheney's attorney continues to deny all allegatons of Cheney's involvement saying that just because his company may have performed those actions it doesn't necessarily show Cheney's guilt in the situation....mmhmm.
We all know Cheney isn't gonna go to jail but what if he did? Would they put him in an orange uniform or a black and white striped one. Would they make him build railroads and make license plates? The idea itself is just funny to me. Looks like someone forgot to shred the incriminating evidence.

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